The Landing Zone Crew

Discussing Setting up Landing Zones for Medical helicopters
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  • Fred Eppinger

    Chief France, thanks for the invite. Where I served in Toms River, NJ we were handled by State Police Helocopters and we communicated with them via the SPEN Network. At that time there were I think 4 SPEN Channels we could talk to the State Police or the helos on. The LZ crews had ro take a seminar to work the LZ, it was put on by the State Police Flight Crews.
  • Cindy Boeing

    Thanks Chief. Thanksgiving 2010
  • Ted Mead

    Ive been working landing zones since i started with the fire dept and have been asked to instruct.

    I have had both basic and coordinator training.

    we handle landing zones for stat medivav, mercy flight, lifeflight, and a few other services when they are in the area.