Ulster County (NY) Firefighters

If KEH912 or Ulster911 means something to you then this is probably the group for you. This is for the Firefighters of Ulster County in the state of New York to chat and trade stories.

Personal purchase of firefighting gear

Since I am new to firefight I am wondering was there any type of gear that people personal paid for to add on to the fire gear provided by the district. You know maybe a certain type of flash light, different gloves, or some other type of tool that you like to have with you on a call.
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    Scott Sammons

    Hi, I carry a pair of folding pocket spanner wrenches. There's nothing like needing a spanner wrench and having to walk a long way to get one off a truck or wait while you send someone. I have had mine a lone time and they cost me around $10 bucks at the time. I am sure there $15 to $25 now. Also, I have Firefighting Gloves but I also carry a regular pair of everyday All Purpose Work Gloves. You would be surprised how often they come in handy. And one more thing. Its always good to carry a pair of clear plastic Safety Glasses. Hope this helps.