Freemason Firefighters

Place where Firefighters to meet on the square


I am posting this in both Masonic Firefighter groups – Freemason Firefighters and Firefighters/F&AM – I am a relatively young Master Mason having been raised to the Sublime Degree in 2003, I have been a proud Call Firefighter since 2006. I enjoy both brotherhoods very much and I wish I had found both much earlier in my life. My life is very busy. Full time job, five kids, all under 14 years old and a wife who supports me to the end. No complaints there.

This is my dilemma/question – I have felt in my Lodge stress between the old guard and the new guys. The older members have done so much and been the life of the Lodge for a long time and I thank them very much. Masonry has been pushing to up their membership for the past few years and that is when I joined. So I have been feeling uncomfortable going, not feeling as welcome and feeling a bit out of place. My fire dept. drill night is Tuesdays, the same night as Lodge. This has given me an easy excuse not to go to Lodge. I still pay my dues and try to stay active in Lodge special functions. I know that I will be a Mason for the rest of my life and only have a limited number of years left in the fire service – I’m 47. So my plan has been to stay connected to my Lodge through Brothers on the outside, do firefighting for as long as I can and then go back to regular Lodge activities.

Sorry if this has been a bit confusing. I’m confused by the whole thing. Any thoughts?

Thanks Brother.
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    Thanks for the reply. One of my favorite parts of Masonry is the point that you serve to the extent of your cable tow. I have duties to uphold and I will do them to my best abilites. I know that my Lodge and Masonry will always be there for me.
    Thanks again. Peter.
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    Regars and Fraternal Hug for Providence Valley of Chile
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    Michael Spellmeier

    See if either one would entertain the idea of changing their date of meeting. It is hard to do with so much going on these days. I am a Master Mason here in Garnett, Ks. and before I even was initiated as an EA they had this problem when the then WM was also on the FD. They changed the time so he could accomplish attending both meetings. This is how I get to both now. FD meets at 1900 hrs. Lodge starts at 1930 hrs. I usually go to the station and help with checking the units at 1830 so I get one hour of credit for being there. Hope this helps.