Washington State Fire and EMS

For People in and close to Washington State to discuss issues or what ever is on thier mind.


Hey (puff...puff) is this thing turned on? It's been mid-August since anybody said anything here. I think it's time to check PAR...
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    Here! Just not quite full engaged. Been on vacation so my brains still alittle slow.
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    Patience Ryan

    So as we start a new year how are things going with everybody? Enjoying the winter? hating it? I know for myself I'm really getting a bit tired of the snow. I've shoveled more snow in the last few weeks than I want to shovel in the next few years. I've had chains on my car more days in the last four weeks than off as well. I really do like snow...but when a normal season is about 45 in and we've gotten 70in already and the season has barely begun, that's just a bit much.
    It seems incredible to me that it was less than I month ago i took my last bike ride. Ok my rant is over....

    PS also...somewhere in all that snow in my front yard...and driveway....is my cell phone. which until things melt will stay wherever it is. Lost it somewhere between the house and the fire station on the way to a call the week before Christmas.
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    Tom Eades

    The snow's mostly gone in my area, but it reminds quite cold, and frequently windy. Fortunately, our power company put most of their infrastructure underground several years ago, so we've managed to keep our electricity. I've only had to use chains once--heading west over Snoqualmie Pass from visiting my sister in the Yakima area. I'd had to buy a new set of chains, since I'd forgotten that I'd bought new tires a couple of years ago, and the set I had no longer fit. I think I'm pretty much good to go now!