Recently 2 of our rookies just finished thier FF1 training.An I was Baffled when I learned that they got a GRADUATION CEREMONY & DINNER(& they had to pay for thier dinner).The most Us older people(i took FF2000) got was that the host company bought us a sheet pizza & wings.Plus we had our Certificates sent to Our Fire Halls.AND NO T-SHIRTS EITHER.
The graduation ceremony you speak of was conducted by the lead instructor, at the expense of him and his fire department.
Graduation ceremonies are a regular part of most Firefighter 1 courses, in recognition of the fact that the course is more than double in length - and intensity from what you took.
We encourage the graduation ceremonies for several reasons as recognition of their hard work and accomplishments. We participate as facilitators and keynote speakers, but the cost of the ceremony or any accommodations is borne by either the instructors and/or the students, including the T-shirts.