Just a thought I have running rampid so why not share it. Glenmoor is always open for training with other departments people what ever the case maybe so here is my thought.. I wanted to start a thread here to see what ever things. List a training you have that you think others would like to have or par-take in. if people come great if not then no biggie its business as usual. i know sometimes it hard to throw someone in but why not get to where we can all work a little better with each other. There have been a lot of great classes this year and more to come.. but why do we only intermingle when its a big training. why not the little ones as well. so if anyone has any ideas throw it out here. if there is something someone would like to train on perhaps another department is better suited for that and can offer to join..

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if you noticed andy I removed the schedule for training off the board. Every month we have a (for real) you tube know it all junkie that will look up what the training is all about and then say that this was done here this was done there and when i was here and when I was there i did it all. Some things that I show and some things I am told how to do is from a couple HOT instructors from FDIC and fire engineering and I know I never saw these at my basic nor did the older guys from their basic or T&I. The good thing out of all this is the ones that know all this will get to prove and share the knowledge wealth with all of us when they are in charge of a training night. I would like to see departments working together max but the real deal is this- I will show MY men what they need to know and they will not learn anything new because there really is nothing new to learn in this fire service A fire is a fire and we will continue to just put it out no matter what it takes to do it. water hasn't changed and we have been putting the out this way since time began and I do not want my men to think you know more than me or you do things different from me and I don't want your POISON at MY station. I feel we need an educated experienced fire commisioner to get this county up to date and to get training together BE SAFE!!!
I'm not talking about the training schedule but it gave a heads up for a person to check it out and then say they had it or did it somewhere and the way they did it was this way and that way and i did it in record breaking time and got firefighter of the year award and job offers in every city in the country but they couldn't get a white limo to pick me up to take me to the station house and I wasn't going to ride in any other color so I turned all the jobs down. getting way out of line here so BE SAFE!!!
Youtybe is a tool just like everything else in this business. Take it for what its worth. My question to the youtubers wtf makes you think the people you are watching are doing it right. I can watch hours of heart surgery does it mean i can do it hell no. does it mean the guy i was watching knew what he was doing. If you dont have a clue what your doing and you watch a few clips pound it up your a$$. i was once told by (sadly i only know him as) Uncle Willie... “Training doesn't make perfect it makes permanent”. If you watch or train on x x x x x x x x x thousand times a day but the correct way was y y y y y what do you have.. your kick butt at x x x x x x x regardless of how wrong it is.
I do hope the “real deal” isnt referring to MY department. We have always prided ourselves moving forward and training with people who want to train. The only POISON is closing the doors. I will be the first to admit i am not perfect but if my skills and knowledge are doubted as an officer put me in the game coach. I can prove and back up every bit of what my abilities are. I have no fear that i will fall short i know i wont. I am far from the best officer out there but kiss my rear that i am the worst. NAME the topic at the time training starts and ill leave my computer off . Perhaps i am cocky i dont know i believe it is all CONFIDENCE as i know i can back up every word i say. I will share what i know with anyone and everyone who would like to learn and i will gladly learn from anyone who will share with me. I think everyone knows my views on the new old thing in the fire service everything changes.
Hey Max, There is a difference between cocky and experienced. Cocky is running your mouth and not backing it up, Experienced is expressing your opionion and backing it up. One thing us old guys pickoff pretty easy LOL
I think this has worked good so far, its opened alot of peoples eyes. What better then getting ur rear busted by DDay and Griff,and all the others that help with the traning. Cuause I mean Damn Griff I dont know were the ideas come from but they are very good and just they just keep comin. DDay is a very good speaker and puts it in a way that every one can understand, plus all the other people sacrifice so much to make stuff happen. But to get together alot more would be great I think. People can take back some of what they learned. Then come time for a big class it would be huge.More importantly some thing that someone learned from another dept may safe their life or someone elses.
I'm ready to prove it who needs me to step to the plate??????????? I've served under alot of good chiefs. some great some so so.. but i learned from everyone of them. Not only do i have the mouth someone who has been in a lot LESS years than me i have the skills to back it up and the vision to know 30 years of experience is only 30 years of what use to be.. it all has to come out in ballance. i know what i am made of. 20 years of what use to be and the vision to see what will be in the next 20 and not be afraid to work for change..
Its comin Chris, Rich and I talk alot more than people really think. We have been addressing problems and trying to correct other issues. I have had some problems that have taken a priority. I will not tolerate bad mouthing in my station and will address it if I here about it. Its funny how the chiefs can work together and try to make it work but some just seem to want it to continue. You will see some changes coming real soon. How long did it take when I was in Glenmoor, if you can remember it did not happen over night. If everyone follows the system that we as chiefs are working on then it will work, and I do not agree with brotherhood has disapeared. Every call I have been on we worked as a team, followed orders of the officers and it worked. Take Care my friend, and hang in there.
Hey Ballpein Griff is just Sick LOL Be Safe!
Max, I feel that we should conduct training with All departments that we may run mutual aid with
How often are we in a situation when we are ready to make entry and the person backing you up
is from a different department. At that point you rely on you partner to cover your ass and if you dont train
together how would you ever know their limitations and capabilities? We work well with Depts in our area
but things havent gone South, Yet and thats not the time to be asking ourselves now what do we do.We should hope for the best but train for the worst! Keep up the good work and be safe!
The first thing every dept should do is take EVERY call serious. Don't just hop on the truck to get it there first and show up without the proper PPE on what the hell are you really going to do beside look like a bunch of non trained idiots. Pull up to a scene then get dressed or wait on help because you left the garage while help was coming and have pedestrians watch you do nothing on scene. Try and sell your department after that. Try to be taken seriously with the residence. Now sometimes we have reporters show up when we are breaking down but I'm talking no PPE from the get go. The first step is an officers meeting then officers training matt.I go to mutual aid as that MUTUAL AID not to run the scene unless no other officer is there. You will see me in SCBA I'm not a yard breather as some put it. You need to establish COMMAND and all officers need to go through command to get things done. I have walked by a Lt and Capt. and was told two different orders and on scene command had no idea they ordered it. If we had an officer not go through command he or she will be removed from that possition and maybe from the scene. In my opinion NO COMMND= no accountability,no contol,no order,no scene safety,no stopping freelancing and I could go on and on.If you do not have control at training you can not possibly have control on scene. BE SAFE!!!
Well said dday
There is to much complacency in this county. Wasnt to long ago in Prince George there was 8 firefighter sent to hospital over a Gas Oder investigation. Things went wrong (not that, that ever happens here) and there was an explosion. They where injured and taken to hospital.. they had full ppe on except for air packs. What would of happened if that was here. Maybe a turn out coat on maybe bunkers perhaps a fd tshirt and shorts. WTF are we trying to kill ourselves???? but we have officers in this county that believe that. I was on a call where i was in charge of my truck. It was a propain truck rolled over the safety valve was knocked off. It was on its side. Power lines down and what not. There is a WHITE helmet there who tells me i am a pu$$y because i want to move my people and evca the area while they flip it over.. i was told if anything happens we will pull a line... what the hell. I took my guys down the street and nothing happened had it we would of not been in the crater made by the boom. We talk change but it never comes. Its always business the way we have done it.
we need group trainings with our mutual aids. And those that are outside our normal area.. what would it hurt to know the second and third maybe even forth out. There is talk of officers meeting but when they come they are only one or two.. the BS of to many involved is horse crap. We ALL need to be on the same page. The first thing that has to go is pride over protection. I dont care which imaginary line we talk about. Which areas it is. We want to be mutual aid and respond to cover each other and the people we cover then lets do it as one. Talk is just that talk. It will be business as always sadly. We have people that dont have a clue how positive pressure works but they use it. Until everyone can set their pride aside and look at whats best for the residence. Then lets move forward. Lets look at whats best for us. Accountability rit and survival if you dont think its needed then get the frick out. Until people stop answering calls half dress not dressed at all or not even seeing a problem with it, we will not move forward. This attitude of it wont happen here needs to go out the window. We can learn from each other and teach each other. Lose the pride lose the politics and let us move forward. It starts with a lets set a date to start. If you dont like the way things are going then you should have been there. We have officer that are officer only because they have put time in and nothing else. Why would they want to see change why would they want to see us together. As for Glenmoor and Calcutta i remember when i joined we was so far apart. Threw the Palmers and my brother and i we brought us all together little by little. With the younger crowd it was coming along. Then i dont know what happened we are back to the old ways. It has been so long since a group training. But we cant even bring in a county training to this end of the county and get people to show. My group is just as guilty. It makes me sad that we dont even care. Lets take the bull by the horns and lets make it happen.


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