Does everyone else run slow at the begining of the year?   we sure do, we get 4 to 5 times more runs in October then January. 

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Never noticed that, Hmmm... I'd like to do more in this month, but I'm pretty burnt out after the holidays, not to mention, I'm kinda broke too... Oh, wait, maybe that has something to do with it.
Yeah I ment slow times
Yeah I ment slow times
Well, things started off with both feet on the ground and running this year for us. The start to the new year has been similar to the end of last with our dept. being busy. We are on a dry spell now with it being about a week with no runs but that usually means something is about to break loose.
Not at all. We've had a lot of fires lately. I think today alone there's already been 4 working fires and it's only 2pm.
I finished my basic at the beginning of November last year and the guys in my house said it was a quiet few months and don't expect much. We can't come out of probie status for four months and in that time we need as much work as possible. So, we were all expecting a long wait to clear this status. Until the fire gods thought differently. We have had an average of 10 calls a week, since the middle of November, including a huge car fire, two major house fires, a bunch of chimney fires, and because of the dry weather and fire works over New Years numerous grass fires. I even managed to get some work on 2.5 inch hose on one of the fires and that means major points towards getting off probie status.

So, my point is we are busier throughout the winter period now, than we were through last summer.
Make that 5 by 2:10. haha
"ment.. lol"
Not sure what "times" means, I was good with "Tomes"
Slow: as in not as many runs as other months, we have about 100 runs a year and this month (Jan.) we are at 3.
I would have to say most years are quieter around January but this year its been a bit faster 1 job every 10 days or so, the last one being Monday afternoon and being the biggest structural fire we have seen since since mid last year.
Like most folks, we are usually busier during the holidays. However, this year we've already had more structure fires than we normally have in a year! What's up?
heather, is this based on your professional experience, eh?

"everyone already burned down their houses from negligent heat management..."
what the hell is negligent heat management? Gee, did you mean maintenance?

So heather, just how busy is YOUR department?

P.s. You keep deleting your response and then re-posting it separate from my reply, why is that?
And you still haven't answered my questions:
What is "negligent heat management"? and
How busy is your department?
Or is it because you are *retired* (from a volunteer department? Really? Did ya get a pension?) that you can't answer that? But still manage to be an expert? Hmmmmm


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