Hey.. see that hottie over there? No no not the one with the moustache.. the blonde one with the big pair of..um eyes..
Wanna bet I could get her? My fireman's costume, and my bestest pickup line is a sure thing! watch this......
Hey, YOU... yah you blondie.. just say the word and you an me can happen!
"You see that thing over there...thats a fire..a big fire...and if I wasn't scared I would try to put it out.....but I'll just sit here and talk to you...."
"So..your mom thinks firemen are hot huh....."
"I'm not really a firefighter..I just like dressing like one"
ok kid, when the reporter comes over here, I want you to tell them how I dragged you out of that big fire - saving your life... so I can get my picture in the paper... again... since my scrapbook has an empty page which needs-a-filling