I Just started volunteering at a department 40 minutes away that I knew little about previously. I've noticed on numerous visits to all 4 stations that every apparatus bay door was up at each one. I was able to walk inside each station in plain clothes. Once I walked right through the bay and into the living quarters only to discover everyone was out on the engine staging at some planned event. When I returned 30 minutes later to find them in quarters, one of the FFs told me to go wait for the captain inside as if he were suspicious of me looking at one of the trucks. Some of the stations also have ALS ambulances assigned there.

This makes me very nervous considering today's climate and the fact that I am very security obsessed at home. I hate the idea of people being able to walk in and out or sneak around. Perhaps hide and wait for us to return. I cringe as I run scenarios in my head.

I know the department in my county, which I grew up around, has a policy requiring the doors be kept down at all times. I also know of a foiled plan to steal a fire engine in this county, an incident where a bunch of bunker gear was stolen out of a rural station, and recently a teen had a joy ride with lights and siren in a reserve engine.

So the question: What's your policies, and and also your habits? I am new at the department and feel awkward asking questions, but this is a dangerous practice.

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Doors may be open if someone is at the station.
If not, then doors are down and locked.
We have not had to resort to body armor and closed circuit TV yet.
I just started volunteering also. But i know we keep are bay's closed unless somone is in the bay or working on the truck's right in front of the station .
I'm gonna guess that it's Winfield with the cameras and not Kaneville? Are you out of the station near CDH?
I hav a new question along these same lines. Does anyone have problems with things walking off with members, and no one will admit to it?
doors closed unless we are working out in the bays... at the other fire department off the main drag its -if your in the station open them if you want
What does today's climate have to do with anything?
Kick the bum's a$$ and take your shoes back...problem solved!

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